The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Siloam Springs, AR:  The Online Market Is Open!

We are so excited to see you in person this Saturday at the promenade! Come by Saturday between 8am-12pm to see what all of our vendors have been preparing for you. We will also have a cooking demo at 10 am featuring fresh ingredients from our farmers! Online market is still available as well. You can order from now until Thursday at 5pm, with pick up happening at the concession stand next to the promenade on Saturday morning. We look forward to seeing you.

Statesboro Market2Go:  Squash!

Order before 10 on Tuesday night!

Winter squashes like butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash are now starting to come in, but while you gear up to get those gorgeous gourds, be sure to also enjoy the summer squash while it’s still here, with recipes like:

Click to order at Market2Go!

Connie's Cornucopia:  Thick Pork Chops now in stock

Gazaway Farms is now selling thick Pork Chops.

Check it out.


Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Reminder Online Ordering Open Until Wed 6 am

This is just a reminder that you still have time to order! You may order until 6 am Wednesday morning. If you ordered, we thank you!

Order at:

Remember we offer easy drive by pickup Thursday afternoons at the Fayetteville library for some of your favorite fresh locally grown and locally made products.


Dripping Springs has added Garden Ninja mix and Charlies Vegetables added some more purple hull peas.

A variety of fresh produce including apples and pears, and herb items are still available! Plus meat, eggs, baked goods, honey, craft items and locally produced food items.

Pickup at the library is 4:30-5:30 Thursday. If you already know you can’t pick up then, email us asap at this address as soon as you order and we will work with you on a plan.

Questions? Reply to this email and we will get back to you. Or call or text 479-935-5111.

There is also a delivery option for Fayetteville addresses. Request it by following the directions on your emailed order confirmation and do that asap or by no later than 9am Thursday. Be sure to send your request to Seeds That Feed (see instructions on the email confirmation of your order) since they set up the deliveries.

Thank you.

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  This Week at the Market

We sure are enjoying this fall weather! After spending the day planting and working on the farm, we all went to the Cherokee County Fair. It was my granddaughter’s first, so there were lots of pictures taken! I cannot wait to head up to Burt’s Pumpkin Farm again this year with her now that she’s a toddler.

So far I’ve got peas, beans, zucchini, butternut and buttercup sqaush, cauliflower, bok choy, and cucumbers planted from the greenhouse starts. Next up, broccoli, spinach, kale, swiss chard, Brussels Sprouts, fennel, dill, beets, turnips, and all the lettuces! Phew! That’s a lot of goodness to grow!

The hens are deciding to take a break. I am not getting enough to put eggs on the market right now, but will have them in the stand if I have extra on Saturday.

Don’t forget the stand is always open and has our white pumpkins, lots of Ellijay apples, our handcrafted vanilla extracts, jams, honey, bell peppers, a small amount of beans and figs as they come in.

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

V.I Prime Produce locally Grown:  Market open

Good morning Prime produce market is now open and accepting orders

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Online Orders NOW OPEN

Online ordering is open now open!!! Closing is 6am on Wed morning.

Order at:


We welcome back Charlie’s Vegetables with many choices of fruit butters, fruit and berry jams and jellies. If you order quickly, Lola also has some purple hull peas!

Ames Orchard has Asian pears this week.

A&A has cider vinegar this week, plus cider and several apple varieties.

Sunny Acres is off this week but will be back soon.

AVAILABLE: Colorful peppers and spicy peppers too. Potatoes, garlic, fresh basil and rosemary, cherry tomatoes, parsley, onions. The list is a little shorter as our growers transition into fall crops. Be sure to check throughout the week as growers will often add product as it becomes available.

OTHER GOOD THINGS AVAILABLE: eggs, meats, baked goods, honey, locally made food products, craft items, and other goodies.

PICKUP TIME THURSDAY September 28 is 4:30-5:30. Note: if you already know that you cannot make it by 5:30 pm and you want to order this week, just reply to this email or text 479-935-5111 and we will work with you on a plan.

Our online market offers some great ideas for gift giving: handcrafted leather goods, locally sewn fabric items, art prints and more!

Our bakers have sweet treats, pastries, breads, granola and other goodies.

Special dietary needs? Check out our vegan products. We speak from personal experience that all of these items are delicious and would please anyone no matter what their dietary needs are.

A UNIQUE GIFT: how about a certificate for local knife sharpening services? Can be redeemed at a local drop off location.

SEARCHING TIP: On large categories such as baked goods or meats click on the category to get a drop down of specific items in that category.

HOW TO CHECK ITEMS FROM A PARTICULAR SELLER? Scroll down on left side until you see “show specific growers”. If all the boxes are checked, you can click on “reverse all” then click the boxes on or off of those sellers you want to see. Then click “show specific growers” again.

BUYING TIP: If you see items that you want but not much available, order and pay and then log back in and continue shopping. Your orders will be combined and you will only be charged once.


SNAP CUSTOMERS ONLY: you may choose pay at pickup and bring your EBT card on Thursday. We will swipe your card and match up to $100 of your order. NOTE: please do not bring tokens or match cards to pickup at the online market.

NOTE: New customers and orders always welcome—no minimum order required, no weekly order required.


1) Sellers sometimes add more products later in the ordering period, so be sure to check back. The product list changes each week, even from the same seller, so it’s worth exploring the categories you are interested in.

2) Multiple orders from you at different times will be automatically combined into one order before pickup and you will only be charged once.

The OUTDOOR parking area at the south end of the new part of the Fayetteville Public Library. Follow the line of cars towards the building and stay in your car in line while we get your order.

Thank you for your continued support of the online market.

Reply to this email if you have questions

Foothills Market:  The Market is Open!

The calendar may say fall, but Foothills Market still says summer! We still have summer favorite vegetables like yellow squash, okra, and peppers, both hot and bell varieties. However, the days are on a countdown now toward that first frost date when the plants will die out and fresh summer veggies are a memory until next year.

Shop the market between now and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Be sure to click the “place your order” button, and we’ll have your order ready for pickup on Thursday afternoon.

Eat something fresh this week!

Russellville Community Market:  9/24/23 closing

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Remember to check out the extras table when you pick up your order from 4-7 PM on Tuesday! Please let us know how we can make your market experience better!

Harvest some delicious deals this week at RCM! Make your home smell like fall with candles from Drewry Farms or Meadowlark and room spray from McAnulty Mercantile! Snack on pecans from Pawpaw’s Pecans or peanuts from Lucky Star! Spice it up with peppers from Pine Ridge Gardens or several kinds of pepper jellies like Jalapeno jelly from The Thomas Family! RCM has a great selection of jams and jellies from locally grown or wild foraged fruits! Maybe you would enjoy some apple butter or apple pie jam from Drewry apples? The baked goods category is very full of delicious foods this week with Cecilia and Otis and Victoria’s Little Bread House both back and baking their delicious breads, cookies and more! Cecilia’s vegan cookies are amazing and Victoria’s focaccia is definitely worth a try! Welcome back to Sulphur Springs Truck Patch this week! They have listed a variety of fresh flower options for you to check out! Goody Gang has freeze-dried corn available. Maybe that would go great in some soup or stew! Connor’s Garden and Sweets still has squash and cucumbers if you want to hang on to the summer flavors! Ground pork from Porch Swing Farms is a versatile ingredient, or you could savor a rack of pork spare ribs from Bluff Top! If you are feeling fancy, maybe some fillet steaks from R&D fit your menu and be sure to check out C3 Beef’s value packs! Kaitlyn’s Sweets and Treats has some really cute pumpkin cupcakes and she has a new peanut butter cookie with Nutella filling! Don’t forget your pets! They will love locally made treats like the doggy donuts from Treat Street Pet Bakery and other options from McAnulty Mercantile and Porch Swing Farms! Shop before 10 PM to get a bountiful harvest of amazing local foods and products!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

REMINDER- We can no longer accept credit or debit cards. We will still be able to process cash, checks and SNAP/EBT transactions.

Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)

Russellville Community Market


The Wednesday Market:  Fall Has Arrived! Ordering is Open.

Good afternoon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

How do we know that the season has changed? Astronomical seasons depend on how the Earth moves around the sun. Equinoxes, when the sun lands equally on both hemispheres, mark the start of spring and autumn. Solstices, when the Earth sees its strongest tilt toward or away from the sun, kick off summer and winter. Yesterday was the autumnal equinox.

Did you know there are other ways to track seasons? For meteorologists, the seasons are defined by the months with temperatures and weather often associated with each. Summer, for example, runs from June through August, when temperatures feel most like “summer.”

My favorite season is summer. I must say, though, that the cooler weather of the last week or so is a welcome relief from the oppressive temperatures and humidity we have experienced this summer. Our home’s air conditioning units have taken turns being out of commission during some of the hottest weather we have had in years. Even my car’s air conditioning system had to be serviced a few weeks ago. Whew! Fall is a blessing!

Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown, no matter what season we’re in! We’ll see you at the Market.

